The Mudgeeraba Show App
A few months ago the local Mudgeeraba Show contacted us with a problem: “Help! We need an app!” Volunteers down here at Gold Coast TechSpace got together
A few months ago the local Mudgeeraba Show contacted us with a problem: “Help! We need an app!” Volunteers down here at Gold Coast TechSpace got together
The Project: Build a multiplayer Pi powered arcade machine that allows people to relieve stress by socialising and engrossing themselves in a digital universe temporarily. The
By Skip Xtian 63% of employees eat two or less daily servings of fruits/vegetables, the lack of which contributes to gastrointestinal problems according to medical
This is my write-up of my Hackergrant II project that was completed last year as part of the Gold Coast TechSpace Hackergrant program (supported by
Our wonderful HackerGrant program now has a logo and a mascot. Designed by the awesome Julianne Powell – it’s a native Australian Numbat (with a
After the extremely successful Gold Coast Techspace Hackergrant program that was run in the early part of 2016, Ian Sampson and David Baker are running
Overview The aim of project armed was to build an accurate miniature Robotic arm with machine vision based of the ABB industrial PalletPack robots, with
video1: FollowBot overview Overview: The aim of Project FollowBot was to build an autonomous robot that could follow a person around a house. We wanted
Overview Every year, around the world, vehicles of all shapes and sizes are travelling our motorways, tollways, interstates, or just local streets. Over these roadways,
The Ketone Sensor is a handheld breath sensor that can measure ketones in a person’s breath. This really important for diabetics as Diabetic Ketoacidosis(or DKA)
We’re proud to be part of the 88th Annual Mudgeeraba Show on the 25th & 26th of June. Come on down and check us out.
A great evening at TechSpace! HackerGrant Demonstrations: We had four project demonstrations tonight: IVAN (In Vehicle Alert & Notification System ): Demonstration of an alarm that
Demo video of the home made Robot Arm!
A nice base was created for Project Armed, providing power and a nice counter balance for the arm to operate.
FollowBot is now moving forward and backwards, tracking the object size and decided what to do. Good progress! And it now has a bumper bar to prevent
Added a bumper bar to the FollowBot while it is learning to drive. Also wide angle lens allows the Raspberry Pi to see better and track faster
Just connected a 2-axis servo mount for the camera. Now the eye can track objects independently of the moving robot base. Good fun!
The “FollowBot” project comes to life with working left/right object recognition. A combination of Python & C++ running on a Raspberry Pi3 allows this robot to
Grant and Brandon literally getting their hands dirty tearing apart a starter motor . It's great to see boyhood dreams of building an electric go-cart
Jarmon came in tonight with Aldi’s $500 3d printer. In less than an hour, he had set it up and was printing the default reboot
Simple concentration game powered by an arduino. LED shows score.
The Smart Tech Discovery Education Program launched! Gold Coast TechSpace is pleased to launch the “Smart Tech Discovery Education Program” today. This program is the
After my adventures with the STM32 I decided to give the STM8 a go. The STM8 microcontroller is the 8 bit version from the same
Silicon Beach & Gold Coast TechSpace were proud to host an event with Marcus Schappi on 27th June at the One 50 Public house in
Every week the members’ SIG night get more productive. We have completed a few projects by now, and everyone is very busy with more new
It has been over two months since the last post here. There is a good reason for that. It is not because we have died
Chris Mitchell, a relatively new member to the TechSpace, brought in his latest quadcopter and showed it to us today at our Sunday Open Meet
Here’s a DMD connected to an Arduino with a little laser pointer trip wire. When the laser beam is cut the timer starts. When the
This SIG first met 2nd January 2013. A key focus is to create relatively simple, interesting and fun projects with WOW factor to display at
After months of testing, running demos, rebuilding parts and printing trinkets, Mork the reprap has finally been put to use to create a useful part
It has been a month of good progress within our Reprap 3D printing project. Within another month we hope to have three Repraps running. Several
Leaps and Bounds proudly presents the TechGC July School Holiday Science Program. See below for more detail and to register. Gold Coast TechSpace presents ROBOTICS with
The Code: Arduino #1: Controls the door. Accepts PIN numbers and RFID keys via HTTP. Checks PIN/RFID keys against MySQL server over HTTP. Code: https://github.com/gctechspace/door_opener_arduino_pin Arduino
We need a team of committed people that will turn up to meetings, take an active role in building and (very importantly) documenting the build
We are Gold Coast TechSpace – the MakerSpace, HackerSpace and Education Centre, right here in the heart of Mudgeeraba.