Category: 3D printing

Doers not talkers

It has been over two months since the last post here. There is a good reason for that. It is not because we have died


Repap fires in anger

After months of testing, running demos, rebuilding parts and printing trinkets, Mork the reprap has finally been put to use to create a useful part


3D Printing Team: Call for members

We need a team of committed people that will turn up to meetings, take an active role in building and (very importantly) documenting the build

3D printing

3D Copying

At last Sunday’s Sunday hangout, I used my Xbox Kinect, OpenNI drivers and Reconstructme software (on Windows7) to scan my son Leo in 3D. I


RFID + Reprap #2

This Wednesdays meet day (11th April) was a huge success! Started out with a Jelly co-working during the day and ended in the Techspace open