Turning the IR (night time) security camera on automatically
Hey all! I’ve just modified the webcam PHP scripting to detect a dark image. If it detects a dark image it will attempt to turn
Hey all! I’ve just modified the webcam PHP scripting to detect a dark image. If it detects a dark image it will attempt to turn
What a great day! We will be running another one of these again for sure. Above is a photo of the rubik’s cube solver built
This Wednesdays meet day (11th April) was a huge success! Started out with a Jelly co-working during the day and ended in the Techspace open
A successful day at the TechSpace: The Jelly started at 8:30. Coby gave an impromptu intro to Ruby and Ruby on Rails. Coby also fired
This was an awesome trip out to watch lots of rockets launch. Got close to 100 rocket launches. Video of a techspace members rocket: 2012
We had a few XO-1’s lying around the techspace, and were in need of a low powered webcam monitoring solution. Why not install Ubuntu on
Benches and space divider are going in nicely. They look awesome and I cannot wait for it to be completed. More photos on meetup: http://www.meetup.com/gctechspace/photos/4970512/
A successful build day on the reprap and we learnt quite a bit about arduinos. Reprap 3D Printer: All the electronics are finished (good job
We just received two new tables for the space. Stay tuned – lots more on the way!
Sooo… We’re finally in the space, setting up and the kickoff was a blast! Exciting to see so many faces interested! Thanks to all for
Our last meeting at the McCafe went great, was an excellent meet and greet and good to finally put solid faces to names. Alot of
We are Gold Coast TechSpace – the MakerSpace, HackerSpace and Education Centre, right here in the heart of Mudgeeraba.