Membership Signup

Hi! Thank you for supporting our club by applying for a membership.
This page outlines everything you need to do in order to become a GC TechSpace full member. 

Steps to signup:

  1. Attend one of our Wednesday night tours, introduce yourself (we’re very friendly) and tell us about your interests. Feel free to bring any laptops or projects from home.
  2. Read and understand the New Members Guide.
  3. Read and understand our other group and membership policies linked from the Membership Page.
  4. Talk to a committee member about joining GC TechSpace as a paying member (see us on a Wed night, or chat to us on Slack).
  5. Have a read through the Disclaimer Form and Induction Checklist
  6. Fill in the form below and we’ll send your an invoice for your GC TechSpace membership.
  7. After a probation period your RFID keycard can be used to gain building & tool access.

If you have any questions about this process please talk to any of our committee members during a Wednesday night meetup or via email at 

Signup form: