Hi! Thank you for supporting our club by applying for a membership.
This page outlines everything you need to do in order to become a GC TechSpace full member.
Steps to signup:
- Attend one of our Wednesday night tours, introduce yourself (we’re very friendly) and tell us about your interests. Feel free to bring any laptops or projects from home.
- Read and understand the New Members Guide.
- Read and understand our other group and membership policies linked from the Membership Page.
- Talk to a committee member about joining GC TechSpace as a paying member (see us on a Wed night, or chat to us on Slack).
- Have a read through the Disclaimer Form and Induction Checklist
- Fill in the form below and we’ll send your an invoice for your GC TechSpace membership.
- After a probation period your RFID keycard can be used to gain building & tool access.
If you have any questions about this process please talk to any of our committee members during a Wednesday night meetup or via email at manager@gctechspace.org