Gold Coast TechSpace is an open, community based, hackerspace/makerspace, learning centre and pre-incubator focussing on technology. We exist to promote technology on the Gold Coast by providing a real location where people of all ages and experience can get together to help each other, learn tech, develop innovative tech, and ultimately for some to commercialise the tech products that they develop.
We have four areas of operation: the hackspace, education programs, a pre-incubator, and tech-focussed co-working.
- Our first focus was as a hackspace, based on the highly successful Hackerspace model. Hackerspaces are found all over the world, with thousands of groups in the US and several in Australia cities including Brisbane. We are a bunch of like minded hackers, techos’, tinkerers and professionals making innovative ideas become reality. Hackerspaces are physical spaces where people can come together and work on their own projects and collaborate with like minded individuals. It is an “incubator for brains”, effectively the inventors shed, but done in a collaborative and open way.
- Education: We design and delivery various educational learning sessions and workshops including to children in some school holiday periods.
- As a pre-incubator, we help our members and others who wish to commercialise their tech, or simply gain employment, to link to others in our co-working area, or to connect to other partner incubator organisations on the Gold Coast.
- From starting up in our first physical location in an industrial unit in Johnston St, Southport in October 2011, we moved the Space down the road to a shop unit in Nind St Southport in late October 2012. We had started a co-working operation in Johnstone St Southport, and expanded this at Nind St. This was the first tech-focussed co-working space on the Gold Coast. In June 2013 we left the co-working operation in Nind St and moved TechSpace to our current location in the heart of Mudgeeraba. The TechSpace has some co-working room, and operates as a meeting place for people to work and showcase their tech.
The Space is accessible at different times depending on membership type.
- We run many workshops, meetings and events at other locations around the Gold Coast. Many are focussed on particular projects and SIGs.
- We use Meetup as a focal point to set up meetings and events, to publish pics of these, and also for group emailing.
- We run one main email list for currently active hackspace members’ discussions.
Logo: If you need one, please download whichever logo (full & half-sun) and format you wish from our github repository.
See also: Incorporation, Administration